Did You Know: Families in the United States Are Poorly Prepared for Crises?

September is Preparedness Month

September is Preparedness Month. This month, we will look at many different areas of preparedness in the hope that you and your family will be ready and more resilient to any crises that may come to pass. The level of preparedness among families in the United States for natural disasters, social unrest, and financial crises is alarmingly low. Statistics reveal a widespread lack of readiness, leaving many vulnerable when disasters strike. This article delves into the data surrounding family preparedness, highlighting the gaps and underscoring the urgent need for improvement. You can also learn much more about this and other topics by getting your copy of "The Preparedness Guide to Family Preparedness: Easy, Simple, and Cost-Effective Strategies for Every Home to Ensure Peace of Mind During a Crisis."


Natural Disasters

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires are frequent and often devastating in the United States. Despite this, a significant portion of the population remains unprepared. According to a 2022 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) survey, only 44% of American families have an emergency plan for natural disasters. This means that more than half of the families risk being caught off guard when disaster strikes.

The same FEMA survey also found that just 50% of households have emergency supplies set aside, such as food, water, and medical supplies. This lack of preparation can lead to dire consequences, as evidenced by the struggles during events like Hurricane Katrina and the California wildfires. The importance of being prepared cannot be overstated.


Social Unrest

Social unrest, including protests and civil disturbances, can also disrupt daily life and pose significant risks. However, preparedness for such events is notably lacking. A survey by the National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) at Columbia University found that only 38% of Americans feel prepared to handle an event of social unrest in their community. The impact of such events on families can be profound, underscoring the need for preparedness.

Moreover, the study indicated that most people do not have a communication plan with their family members in case of separation during such events. The lack of such a plan can lead to families becoming disoriented and disconnected, exacerbating the crisis's impact on their lives. This underscores the importance of having a communication plan in place.


Financial Crises

Financial crises, such as sudden job loss or economic downturns, can be equally disruptive, yet preparedness in this area is also insufficient. A report from the Federal Reserve in 2023 revealed that 36% of Americans do not have enough savings to cover an unexpected $400 expense. This statistic highlights the precarious financial situation many families find themselves in, with little to no buffer against economic shocks.

Additionally, the same report showed that only **41% of adults** have a "rainy day fund" to cover three months of expenses in case of financial emergencies. This lack of financial preparedness can lead to severe stress and hardship during economic downturns, impacting mental and physical health.


The Path Forward

These statistics paint a clear picture: many American families are not adequately prepared for crises, whether they be natural, social, or financial. Improving this situation requires a concerted effort on multiple fronts:

1. Education and Awareness: It is crucial to increase awareness about the importance of preparedness and provide education on creating emergency plans and kits.

2. Community Programs: Local governments and organizations can play a vital role by offering programs and resources to help families prepare.

3. Financial Planning Assistance: Providing access to financial planning resources can help families build savings and create financial safety nets.


We can conclude that while the current state of preparedness among American families is lacking, clear steps can be taken to improve it. By prioritizing preparedness, families can better protect themselves and navigate the uncertainties of crises with greater resilience.


For those looking to enhance their preparedness efforts, resources like "The Practical Guide to Family Preparedness" by Scott C Pyron can be invaluable. This practical guide, available on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and the author’s website, scottcpyron.com, provides practical advice and actionable steps to help families prepare for a wide range of crises. Whether you are just beginning your preparedness journey or looking to refine your existing plans, this guide is a valuable resource for ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones in times of crisis.

This comprehensive analysis emphasizes the urgent need for increased family preparedness across various crises. Families can significantly enhance their resilience and safety by understanding the current gaps and taking proactive measures. Check out “The Practical Guide to Family Preparedness” on Amazon for more details on this topic and many others. Pick up a copy today!



1. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). "2022 National Household Survey."

2. National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP). "Public Preparedness Survey."

3. Federal Reserve. "Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2023."