The Carrington Event of 1859:

Lessons for Modern Society

The Carrington Event of 1859 stands as a stark reminder of the Sun's immense power and the potential vulnerability of our technologically dependent society. Named after British astronomer Richard Carrington, who first observed the solar flare that caused the event, the Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm on record. Understanding this event is crucial not only for historical knowledge but also for preparing for future solar storms that could have significant impacts on modern infrastructure.

The Event

On September 1, 1859, Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson independently observed a solar flare through their telescopes. The flare was followed by a massive ejection of solar material, known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), which hurled towards Earth. Within 17 hours, the CME collided with Earth's magnetosphere, triggering a geomagnetic storm of unprecedented intensity.

The effects were immediate and widespread. Auroras, typically confined to polar regions, were visible as far south as the Caribbean and Hawaii. These brilliant displays of light were so bright that newspapers could be read by their glow at night . Telegraph systems, the pinnacle of communication technology at the time, were severely disrupted. Operators reported sparks leaping from their equipment, and some telegraph lines continued to operate despite being disconnected from their power sources, powered solely by the geomagnetic energy .


Historical Impact

While the Carrington Event caused spectacular auroras and disrupted telegraph services, its impact was relatively limited due to the technological landscape of the 19th century. However, it provided early evidence of the potential effects of solar activity on Earth's magnetosphere and technology. The disruption of telegraph services highlighted the vulnerability of human-made systems to space weather, a lesson that would gain greater significance as technology advanced.


Potential Impact on Modern Society

In today's world, a similar geomagnetic storm would have far-reaching and potentially catastrophic consequences. Our reliance on technology has grown exponentially since the 19th century, with complex systems underpinning almost every aspect of modern life.

1. Power Grids: Modern power grids are highly susceptible to geomagnetic disturbances. The induced currents from a geomagnetic storm can overload transformers and other critical infrastructure, potentially causing widespread blackouts. A 1989 geomagnetic storm, much less powerful than the Carrington Event, caused a nine-hour blackout in Quebec, affecting six million people . A Carrington-level event could result in months-long outages in some regions.

2. Communications and Navigation Systems: Satellites, which are critical for communication, navigation, and weather forecasting, are vulnerable to solar radiation and geomagnetic storms. A severe storm could damage or destroy satellites, leading to disruptions in GPS services, telecommunications, and internet connectivity. The loss of GPS would particularly affect aviation, maritime operations, and even financial transactions that rely on precise timing.

3. Economic Impact: The economic repercussions of a major geomagnetic storm would be immense. A study by Lloyd's of London estimated that a Carrington-level event could cost the global economy up to $2.6 trillion . This includes direct costs from damaged infrastructure and indirect costs from disrupted services and supply chains.

4. Health Risks: Astronauts and passengers on high-altitude flights are at increased risk of exposure to harmful solar radiation during a geomagnetic storm. Additionally, the potential loss of satellite-based navigation and communication could pose significant risks for aircraft safety.


Lessons and Preparedness

The Carrington Event teaches us several key lessons about preparedness and resilience in the face of solar storms:

1. Improving Space Weather Forecasting: Advancements in solar observation and space weather forecasting are crucial for early warning and mitigation. Organizations like NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are developing better models and technologies to predict solar storms and their potential impacts on Earth. Improved forecasting can provide critical lead time for taking protective measures, such as powering down vulnerable systems or reorienting satellites.

2. Hardening Infrastructure: Strengthening the resilience of power grids and communication systems against geomagnetic disturbances is essential. This includes upgrading transformers to withstand geomagnetic-induced currents, implementing better grounding techniques, and creating redundant systems to ensure continuity of service. The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and other agencies are actively working on regulations and guidelines to protect critical infrastructure from space weather events .

3. International Collaboration: Space weather is a global phenomenon, and international cooperation is vital for effective monitoring and response. Sharing data and research across borders can improve our collective understanding and preparedness. Initiatives like the International Space Environment Service (ISES) facilitate such collaboration, providing a platform for the exchange of space weather information and forecasts.

4. Public Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about the risks of geomagnetic storms and the importance of preparedness is crucial. Public education campaigns can help individuals and organizations understand the potential impacts and take steps to protect themselves. This includes simple measures like keeping backup communication methods and preparing for potential power outages.

5. Developing Contingency Plans: Governments and businesses should develop and regularly update contingency plans for dealing with the aftermath of a major geomagnetic storm. This includes plans for restoring power, maintaining communication, and ensuring the continuity of essential services. Regular drills and simulations can help test and refine these plans, ensuring readiness when a real event occurs.



The Carrington Event of 1859 serves as a powerful reminder of the Sun's influence on our planet and the potential vulnerabilities of our technological infrastructure. While we cannot prevent solar storms, we can take steps to mitigate their impacts through improved forecasting, infrastructure resilience, international cooperation, public awareness, and contingency planning.

By learning from the past and preparing for the future, we can better protect our society from the potentially devastating effects of geomagnetic storms. The Carrington Event is not just a historical curiosity; it is a call to action for a technologically dependent world that must remain vigilant in the face of space weather threats.

Check out The Practical Guide to Family Preparedness on Amazon for more details on this topic and many others.



1. Cliver, E. W. (2006). The 1859 space weather event: Then and now. *Advances in Space Research, 38*(2), 119-129.

2. Hapgood, M. A. (2019). The Great Storm of 1859. *Physics World, 32*(9), 28-32.

3. Bolduc, L. (2002). GIC observations and studies in the Hydro-Québec power system. *Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64*(16), 1793-1802.

4. Lloyd's of London. (2013). Solar storm risk to the North American electric grid.

5. U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (2019). Reliability Standards for Geomagnetic Disturbances.